Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I have just one question, Blade Runner.... WTF?

"It's too bad she won't live, but then again, who does?"

Watching the movie Blade Runner (1982) for the first time in 2011 brings up many interesting questions:

1. Why was everyone in the 80s obsessed with the idea of flying cars existing by 2020?
2. Why was Darryl Hannah dressed like a futuristic panda bear getting ready to dance in the Thriller video?
3.  Why is the albino from the Da Vinci Code pushing his fingers into people's eyes?!
4.  Why all the synthesized weird music?  I mean really it just turns any hope of serious movie-making into pure corn......

The list could go on and on and on.  To sum up, Blade Runner wasn't all bad.  I can definitely see why it would have been considered one of the best of all time in the 1980s, and the significance it must have had in that decade, but the problem is simple:  it just doesn't translate well to this decade.  The movie being set in Los Angeles 2019 really doesn't help since we're only 8 years away from that and a) we are still a great time away from the flying car thing, and b) the technology used in the movie that was supposed to be futuristic/mind-blowing/ahead of its time.....  is just laughable.  For instance, instead of imagining portable phones they imagined pay phones where you can videophone with the other person.  An interesting idea, but if you're going to go futuristic you've got to really stretch the imagination, not still be placing quarters into a machine at a dingy bar.

If this movie were to be remade I have no doubt the outcome would be incredible.  The plot was inventive, and albeit quite dull during the beginning, it had quirky characters and some exciting scenes towards the end that would hold any sci-fi movie fanatic's attention..  But if Ridley Scott and the writers of Blade Runner honestly expected this movie's popularity to extend into future generations, why oh why would they have Harrison Ford in an awful romantic scene with a robot incapable of emoting?  Han  Solo and Chewbacca had better love scenes, honestly.

My Rating:

Visual - 8
Acting - 3
Script/Plot - 6
Attention - 4
Emotion - 2

Total = 23/50

(for a more in depth explanation of my rating system refer to my earlier posting)

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