Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I watched Platoon a couple months ago and honestly, trying to recall info about the movie now is proving difficult..  Clearly this movie did not leave that much of an impression on me.  The big-name actors in this film, i.e. Charlie Sheen, Willem Dafoe, Kevin Dillon, Dr. Cox from Scrubs (haha), Forest Whitaker, and Johnny Depp were all extremely appropriate choices for their roles, and the character development within the story is by far the best part.

One thing I will say is that Oliver Stone was not afraid to be blunt about gruesome events that occurred during the war.  What I did NOT know until writing this post was that Oliver Stone did a tour of duty in Vietnam which gives the movie much more credibility than I had initially realized.  While watching Platoon I had the same sensation as when I had watched the Hurt Locker.  After The Hurt Locker I could feel the heat and the sand on me after watching that movie.  With Platoon I felt as though I was wading through the swamps with Bravo Company, with blood-streaked faces and Agent Orange raining down upon us.  Oliver Stone made the dirt, grime, humidity, and pain come to life.


Visual - 9
Acting - 9
Script/Plot - 7
Attention - 8
Emotion - 5

TOTAL = 38/50

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